Michael Jordan Cigar Favorites: Lighting Up Off the Court

by | Oct 17, 2023 | Michael Jordan

You know Michael Jordan, right? The basketball superstar who led the Chicago Bulls to 6 championship wins in the 1990s. When you think of MJ, you probably picture Michael Jordan cigar in hand. Yep, cigars are a big part of Jordan’s life off the court. The cigar has become part of his image as a champion.

Michael Jordan Cigar
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How Did MJ Discover His Love for Cigars?

Well, it was back in 1991 after the Bulls won their first championship. The team’s owner, Jerry Reinsdorf, gave Jordan a cigar to celebrate. Jordan’s buddy Ahmad Rashad also gave him some nice cigars from Las Vegas.

At first, Jordan just chewed on the cigars. But soon he realized he liked the relaxing feeling of smoking them, especially when driving home after games in busy Chicago traffic.

By 1993, lighting up a cigar on his way to Bulls home games had become a habit for Jordan. He said smoking helped him feel relaxed and ready for the intensity of the big games.

Over time, Jordan’s appreciation for cigars grew, and he learned about different brands and flavors. His humidor was stocked with some fine stogies. Cuban cigars became his favorite.

Cigars weren’t just for chilling by himself either. MJ also enjoyed hanging out and talking over cigars with friends.

So cigars went from being something Michael tried casually to becoming a real part of his lifestyle away from the screaming fans and competition on the court. For basketball legend, cigars were a way to take a breather and be peaceful.

That first cigar from the team owner started a lifelong love of cigars for Jordan. Now you can’t think of the basketball legend without picturing him kicking back with a stogie. The cigar became part of his iconic image as a champion who found peace in the mellow smoke amidst his superstar lifestyle.

Michael Jordan Cigar Favorites

When it comes to the best cigars, Michael Jordan has some favorites. Two brands he really likes are Partagas Lusitanias from Cuba and Hoyo de Monterrey, also Cuban.

Partagas Lusitanias

Jordan says Partagas Lusitanias are his all-time number one cigar. He even spends about $500 on a box of them! These cigars have been made in Cuba since 1848 and are known for a rich, earthy flavor with some peppery spice. The Lusitanias are pretty long cigars at 7 5/8 inches. Their thick size means you can enjoy them for a nice slow smoke. For MJ and lots of other cigar lovers, Partagas Lusitanias is an awesome experience.

Hoyo de Monterrey

Another brand Jordan really liked back in his Chicago Bulls days was Hoyo de Monterrey from Cuba. He would smoke these before driving to home games at the stadium in stressful Chicago traffic. The Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona was popular in the ’90s for its mellow coffee and sweet spice taste. It was the perfect pre-game cigar to relax Jordan before big match ups.

While Hoyo de Monterrey changed a bit over the years, it’s made a comeback for its smooth, rich flavor that’s not too strong. Jordan’s love for Cuban classics like Partagas Lusitanias and Hoyo de Monterrey spotlighted these brands. His name attached to them carries weight in the cigar world.

Michael Jordan: A Symbol of Cigar Culture

Michael Jordan is famous for being the best basketball player ever. But his love of cigars also made him a major figure in the cigar world.

It started when Jordan was handed his first cigar to celebrate winning the championship with the Bulls in 1991. After that, smoking cigars became part of his routine before home games.

Jordan openly talked about how much he enjoyed smoking cigars to relax and celebrate victories. He shared how he liked to smoke up to 6 cigars a day when golfing! Jordan discussed his favorite cigar brands and types in interviews.

Seeing the basketball legend casually enjoying cigars helped make them more accepted. It sparked curiosity and interest in cigar smoking from mainstream fans who looked up to Jordan.

Even just a brief scene of MJ with a cigar in the famous “Last Dance” documentary highlighted his connection to cigars.

Jordan Last Dance Cigar

So Jordan’s cigar habit went from private enjoyment to part of his public image. His name and face became linked with cigars.

For the cigar community, Jordan became a symbol of their culture. His passion for cigars brought attention from sports fans to the world of fine cigars.

Jordan’s journey from the basketball court to the cigar lounge made him an icon across both sports and cigars. His love of stogies blended athletic success with the relaxing cigar lifestyle.

So thanks to MJ’s major star power, cigars gained more cultural popularity and acceptance. He’ll always be linked to cigars as much as his legendary dunks!

Famous Athletes Who Smoke Cigars

Michael Jordan isn’t the only famous athlete who loves smoking cigars. Lots of big sports stars and celebrities enjoy kicking back with a stogie.

Fellow basketball legend LeBron James is often seen celebrating wins with teammates by lighting up victory cigars. And back in the day, famous Boston Celtics coach Red Auerbach was known for his “victory cigar” after they won games.

In baseball, Babe Ruth would smoke cigars to celebrate his home runs. Hockey great Wayne Gretzky picked up a habit of smoking mild cigars during his championship days.

UFC star Conor McGregor, NFL quarterback Terry Bradshaw, and bodybuilder-turned-actor Arnold Schwarzenegger are some other celebrities known for their love of cigars.

And football legend Mike Ditka had cigars actually named in his honor!

Like Mike, these stars appreciate the finer pleasures of smoking quality cigars. Each has their own preferences and rituals with cigars.

LeBron likes victory cigars with teammates. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s cigar habit is part of his public personality.

For these celebs, cigars represent taking a moment to unwind from their intense careers. Whether as part of celebrations or just leisure time, cigars let them tap into the joy of smoking premium hand-rolled stogies.

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