Michael Jordan Religion: Is MJ A Christian?

by | Oct 13, 2023 | Michael Jordan

When you look into Michael Jordan religion and faith, you uncover some cool stories that show how his beliefs connect to his insane skills.

MJ had an earnest Christian upbringing, but also inspired a hilarious fictional religion called “Jordanity” that worshipped his basketball talents like a god. And earning the “Black Jesus” nickname showed how Jordan reached almost divine levels of greatness in fans’ eyes.

Digging into the spirituality of an all-time legend like Michael Jordan takes you on an inspiring ride through hoops and faith.

Michael Jordan Religion Beliefs

Christian Background

Michael grew up in a super religious household. His mom Deloris was mega serious about going to church every Sunday. She told the Christian Broadcasting Network that for her kids, “Church attendance wasn’t optional – it was required.”

Michael and His Mom Deloris image via people.com
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When Michael was little, they went to an African Methodist Church. But after his parents split up, his mom remarried a Baptist deacon named Curtis. So Michael switched over to the Baptist faith, but still had to go to church every week.

In high school and college, he kept going faithfully and would pray before basketball games. But when Jordan got insanely famous in the NBA, going to church changed big time. Suddenly he couldn’t even walk through the doors without fans mobbing him for pics and autographs. People were more excited about seeing Jordan than listening to the preacher. He said it didn’t even feel like a real church anymore, it felt like a Michael Jordan appearance.

He told GQ magazine, “When I go to church now, everybody stares at me. I went back to my home church in North Carolina and it wasn’t the same. It was like ‘Well Michael’s here, let’s have him speak for us.'”

Being the center of attention like that made him uncomfortable. So he stopped going regularly, even though he was still religious at heart. Jordan learned to keep his faith private. His church days got complicated by his celebrity status, but his Christian roots stuck with him.

What Are Michael Jordan’s Beliefs?

Michael Jordan’s specific religious affiliations are kind of a mystery. He doesn’t overtly identify with one particular religion now. But most people close to him agree that he believes in God in some form.

Jordan has made a few comments over the years that hint at his spiritual side. He once said he tries to get in the “proper frame of mind” before games by staying focused in the moment. That sounds a lot like mindfulness, which comes from religious and spiritual practices. His famous quote “hard work conquers all” also connects to faith-based ideas. It’s similar to what legendary coach John Wooden preached-give 100% effort and don’t worry about winning or losing.

The documentary The Last Dance explored how Jordan’s Christian upbringing may have conflicted with his super competitive spirit. The religion preaches love and sacrifice, but MJ was all about dominating on the court. So it’s unclear how big a role faith played in his career mindset.

Jordan didn’t just ball – he expanded into golf, becoming buddies with pro golfer Davis Love III. He also bought an NBA team and invested in NASCAR racing. Some people think his drive to succeed in everything connected to his beliefs about working hard and striving for greatness.

These days, Jordan keeps his personal faith more private. But there are definitely signs that spiritual beliefs helped shape his work ethic and success. The exact nature of those beliefs is hard to pin down. But the idea that something greater drove him is part of the legend. His competitive fire had a touch of faith fueling it.

Is Michael Jordan a Christian?

No doubt MJ was raised in a seriously Christian home and got his start in the faith. Even with his church habits changing after he got super famous, Jordan has said he’s still Christian at heart.

But there’s also this hilarious fictional religion called “Jordanity” that worships MJ as a god. It’s from a satire website, not real life. They joke that the “Church of Michael Jordan” has six commandments for his diehard fans called “Jordanites.” Stuff like “Jordan is God in Disguise” and “Thou shalt not be a Lakers fan.” Their logo is the Jumpman dunking on sinners.

Church of Michael Jordan

It’s all just for laughs and pokes fun at how followers almost worshipped Jordan’s basketball talents. But it shows his huge cultural impact beyond sports, where people imagined wild myths about him being a divine savior of hoops.

Most fans and experts agree Jordan identifies as Christian based on how he was raised. He just doesn’t talk about it publicly much these days or do big displays of faith. He keeps it low-key.

So Jordan’s faith story has some humor but also truth. The crazy fables show how larger-than-life his legend is. Meanwhile, he holds onto Christian roots even with a more private relationship with religion now. He’s a church kid at heart who became a cultural icon that even inspired imaginary worshippers. The real story of his beliefs lies in between.

Who gave MJ the nickname Black Jesus?

In the public eye and media coverage, Jordan’s religious beliefs and basketball greatness often get intertwined in interesting ways.

A big example is his “Black Jesus” nickname, it came from the NBA legend Larry Bird back in 1986. After Jordan blew up for 63 points in a playoff game against Bird’s Celtics, Larry was incredibly impressed. He told reporters that it was like “God disguised as Michael Jordan” out there on the court that night.

Bird meant it as high praise for MJ’s unbelievable skills. But the quote also compared Jordan to Jesus in a lighthearted way. Fans ran with that idea and the “Black Jesus” nickname was born as a nod to MJ’s basketball divinity.

It showed how people saw him as almost superhuman and godlike in his skills. The name stuck and the media loved talking about MJ as a basketball savior.

The media has covered the serious and silly sides as well. They’ve dug into his Christian background, the values it instilled, and principles like his “hard work conquers all” mentality. But they’ve also run fun stories about the imaginary “Church of MJ.”

Overall, Jordan’s faith ties into his legend in the minds of the public and press. It’s a blend of intrigue about his beliefs, admiration of his talents that seemed heaven-sent, and even jokes about him being divine.

MJ’s cultural impact goes beyond just sports into religion, humor, and what it means to be iconic in fans’ eyes. That mythology around Jordan makes his faith story even more fascinating to people.

How does religion have an impact on sports?

Lots of pro athletes are pretty open about expressing their religious beliefs – think Tim Tebow kneeling and praying on the field or Muhammad Ali converting to Islam. But Jordan was never overly public with his faith like they were.

Other players like Tebow and Ali made their religion a big part of their public image and strength. Tebow wore Bible verses on his cheek. Ali used his Muslim identity to make political stands for race and justice. Their faith was front and center.

Jordan’s Christian background was more subtle and personal. He didn’t talk about it openly or show his beliefs outwardly. But some say his intense drive to be the greatest had a spiritual vibe, like he was on a religious quest to fulfill his potential.

Showing faith can help athletes perform by giving them a purpose beyond sports. Tebow and Ali felt devotion to God over winning games. For Jordan, religion shaped his work ethic more behind the scenes.

But faith becomes part of a bigger conversation either way. Tebow and Ali sparked important discussions about Christianity, Islam, race, politics. Jordan’s lower-key Christianity still wove into his legend with the “Black Jesus” nickname.

So no matter how boastful or subtle an athlete’s faith is, it influences their identity and public image. Different religious paths with shared lessons about belief and being true to yourself. Jordan’s quieter faith still had power in what it represents to fans.

Whatever form it takes, religion has a deep legacy in sports. Athletes like Jordan show how beliefs can drive us to new heights in subtle yet impactful ways. Faith and athleticism intersect in cool narratives about human potential.

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